Quickstart guide

Setting up a virtual environment

The Morfessor packages are created using the current Python packaging standards, as described on http://docs.python.org/install/. Morfessor packages are fully compatible with, and recommended to run in, virtual environments as described on http://virtualenv.org.

If you don’t want to use virtualenv, you can skip this step.

virtualenv flatcat
cd flatcat
source bin/activate

Installation instructions

Morfessor FlatCat installation packages can be obtained from the Morpho project homepage (latest stable version) or the FlatCat Github page (all versions).

Morfessor FlatCat 1.0 is installed using setuptools library for Python.

Unpack the tarball or zip file, change into the newly created directory, and then run:

python setup.py install

The setup command also installs Morfessor Baseline, which is a dependency of FlatCat.

Basic workflow

This quickstart workflow assumes that your training corpus is in data/train.txt, your gold standard segmentation annotations are in data/annotations.txt, and your testing wordlist is in data/test.txt. All of these files are encoded with the encoding of your shell locale. We also assume that you wish to use Morfessor Baseline as initialization method. If you have different needs, see command-line-tools for details.

We will be using the values 100 for the perplexity threshold, 1.0 for the unannotated corpus likelihood weight (alpha), and 0.1 for the annotated corpus likelihood weight (beta). You will need to adjust these values for your data set.

Perform the Morfessor Baseline segmentation:

morfessor-train data/train.txt -S baseline.gz -w 1.0 -A data/annotations.txt -W 0.1

Perform Morfessor FlatCat training:

flatcat-train baseline.gz -p 100 -w 1.0 -A data/annotations.txt -W 0.1 -s analysis.tar.gz

Segment the test data with the trained Morfessor FlatCat model:

flatcat-segment analysis.tar.gz data/test.txt -o test_corpus.segmented --remove-nonmorphemes --output-categories